Well, okay, "blog" might be a bit of a misnomer. I've never intended to keep a running weblog of spontaneous thoughts, location updates, and brunch photos.

Like many blogs, I use this as a self-publishing platform. At various times I've also used Medium, and way back in the day used Blogger a few times.

For now, this is a place to post relatively long-form thinking in progress. I hope - if anyone's reading this - this is an invitation to join in thinking together, and maybe doing together. Why not get in touch with me on the Twitter, @Scott_Matter Get in touch on the Fediverse.

Here's the list, take your pick!

  1. Kicking Facebook

    It’s time to break the habit, reclaim control, and rebuild the social fabric — here’s why and (a tiny bit about) how.

    Tags that this post has been filed under.

    13th of January 02018

  2. Crossing the Line With Intimate Truths

    Can we do research on sensitive topics? And if so, how can we best help people learn how? A reflection on a questionable conference talk activity.

    Tags that this post has been filed under.

    9th of March 02017

  3. The Value of (Ethical) Design

    Can designers drive a movement of putting people first?

    Tags that this post has been filed under.

    7th of October 02016

  4. Your MVP Is Not Viable - Until You Prove It

    A reflection on buzzwords in Lean UX and Product Design

    Tags that this post has been filed under.

    9th of September 02016

Creative Commons

All posts on this blog are by Scott Matter and licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0